October Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 - 7:00am to Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 - 9:30am







October Meeting - Feature presentation by Walt Fulps, aka Missouri Trout Hunter     



Tuesday, October 4th     



Meeting starts at 7:00pm, many will arrive early to swap lies and have a good meal.




Jack's Gourmet Restaurant     


 No cost to participate in or monthly meetings. Food and drinks are available for purchase.     


 Program Director   



Walt Fulps, aka Missouri Trout Hunter, will discuss how his website (www.missouritrouthunter.com) gives local knowledge to the non­locals and spring boarded his guiding career on the Meramec River. Walt will give his testimony of what it takes to keep a website up to date, along with guiding 80 plus days on the water including casting lessons, fly fishing schools, Alaska Trips, and more. Don't miss this unique account on how Walt took his early passion and made it into a career.



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