November Meeting
We had a tremendous turnout at last nights Mid-MO TU Meeting. The group decided to fund a variety of conservation projects and support efforts in the amount of $20,000. Those funds are often raised at our annual banquet which was also discussed. A banquet meeting is expected to be held later this month. The banquet committee can always use an extra hand so get involved now. Jeff Witten provided us an update on the National TU state of affairs and his recent trip to Washington. Then Jeff along with Norm Crisp, owner of Stream Side adventures, presented us with a slide show of the Cut Slam Jeff completed back in July of this year with the assistance of Norm. Norm donated the Wyoming trip to our annual fund raising banquet. The two of them will soon be going to Chile for yet another fishing adventure. If you have a chance, I'd encourage you to research trips with Norm and when you see him please thank him for his support of the Mid-MO TU Chapter. Next month is our photo contest and social, always a grand time! Hope to see you there.......
Check out Stream Side Adventures