Web Site How To

TU National Chapter Wiki - Contains some tips and tricks provided by national that might help


Use Google Chrome for all editing of www.MidMoTU.org


When creating a new page ALWAYS select "Full HTML" from the "Text Format" drop down


You are encouraged to use Microsoft Expression Web 4 or other HTML editor. Move information from such editor to www.MidMoTU.org by selecting 'Code', 'Ctrl-A', 'Ctrl-C' and then from the appropriate page of the site select 'Source' and 'Ctrl-V'. If after pasting to the TU editor the text format is not as expected please try deleting a space while in the "View" mode of the TU editor (any where on page) and re-typing the space. As of Dec. 2013 this would resolve 90% of the pasted editing issues.


For an item to appear in the Left Navigation Window you must select "Provide a menu link"


Uploads such as pdf and jpeg files should be sized as small as possible. PDFs should be under 300kb and image files should be less than 500 pixels when possible.


IMPORTANT: If you do not want the page to appear in the left navigation window you MUST remember the HTML page name. As of the writing of these instructions there was no way to browse through the created pages and select them for edit. You have to type in the EXACT html file name/location in order to edit the page.



Newsletters should (MUST) be named with "NL" followed by the year in "YYYY" format followed by the month in "MM" format. So the Janauary, 2014 newsletter shall be named. "NL201401.PDF"


Pictures should be uploaded with a naming convention of "YYYYMMDD-Event Name-Unique Identifier"



The site is hosted by GoDaddy and Dean Rapp  is the contact. NetworkSolutions was our previous domain host with Verio hosting the data.